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Our Services

Bringing nature to customers is our goal. Nature itself is beautiful enough, but we strive to do even more.

Bespoke Moss Wall design

The “ Pure Moss” is exclusively grown and preserved by Life Puzzle. Using it as the base of a bespoke moss wall, the outcome always stands out and looks stunning because of the unique colour and shapes which wouldn't be found in the market. Besides, wide range of fern species also contribute to the


Design and Communication 

Life Puzzle place great importance on communication with our clients, as we believe it is the necessary foundation for creating excellent designs.

In our design process, we always prioritize our clients' needs and opinions. We conduct in-depth interviews with our clients to understand their needs, to ensure that our designs perfectly reflect our clients'

2022 LANDMARK SOUTH project

- 6 pieces of 4.5m tall leaf shape moss wall

- Location: Landmark South

- Client: SINO 

- Collaboration: CAN design


Contact us: 852-61063878 ( Matthew)


Contact us: 852-61063878 ( Matthew)
